Videofied vs. Reconeyez: Comparing Construction Site Battery Powered Wireless Security Systems

Videofied and Reconeyez are two battery powered & wireless security solutions designed to stop theft on job sites.

RadiusVision, a leader in construction job site security, compares these two systems to help you decide which is best for your project. Here’s a comparison of key features, benefits, and applications:

🟠 Videofied Security System


  • Video Verification: When an intrusion is detected, Videofied captures a short video clip and sends it to a monitoring center for immediate verification

  • Wireless and Battery Operated: The system is entirely wireless and battery operated, making it easy to install and suitable for remote locations

  • Real-Time Alerts: Sends instant notifications to security personnel and monitoring centers for rapid response

  • Over 1 million systems sold world wide


  • Reduced False Alarms: Video verification ensures that alarms are triggered by actual events, minimizing false positives

  • Ease of Installation: Wireless design and battery operation allow for quick and flexible installation without extensive wiring

  • Cost-Effective: The system’s design eliminates the need for AC power and running cables. No cabling required!


  • Low quality images, black & white

  • Limited useful range - 50’ by day, 35’ by night using built in IR light


  • Construction sites

  • Lay down yards

  • Remote locations

🟠 Reconeyez Security System


  • Wireless and Battery Operated: The system is entirely wireless and battery-operated, making it easy to install and suitable for remote locations

  • Option to add Solar-Power: Add solar panels to continuously charge the batteries, eliminating need for extra batteries

  • AI-Powered Detection: Uses artificial intelligence to analyze images and distinguish between genuine threats and non-threatening activities

  • Cloud-Based Monitoring: Provides cloud-based data storage and remote monitoring capabilities for real-time access and analysis


  • High Accuracy: AI technology reduces false alarms by accurately identifying potential threats

  • Continuous Operation: Adding solar power continuously charges the batteries and ensures uninterrupted service. This makes it ideal for construction sites, lay down yards and other off-grid applications

  • Scalability and Flexibility: The portable design allows for easy relocation and scaling of the security system as needed


  • More complex to install & deploy

  • Costs more per camera than Videofied, however each camera has 3x useful range and includes advanced AI and analytics for greater reliability


  • Job sites & Construction projects

  • Lay down yards

  • Perimeter security for large properties

  • Critical infrastructure protection

  • Environmental hazard monitoring

Comparison Summary

  • Detection and Verification: Videofied focuses on video verification to confirm intrusions, while Reconeyez employs AI-powered detection for high accuracy and reduced false alarms

  • Power and Portability: Videofied operates on batteries, making it highly portable. Reconeyez offers the additional benefit of solar power, ensuring sustainable operation in remote areas

  • Monitoring and Storage: Videofied provides real-time video clips for verification, whereas Reconeyez offers cloud-based monitoring and storage, allowing for remote access and comprehensive data analysis

From RadiusVision's perspective, both Videofied and Reconeyez offer advanced, reliable wireless security solutions tailored to different needs. Videofied excels with its video verification feature, reducing false alarms and ensuring rapid response, ideal for remote and temporary installations. Reconeyez stands out with AI-powered detection and solar-powered operation, providing high accuracy and sustainable security for large, off-grid locations.




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