Videofied Stops Job Site Theft
Over 1 Million Videofied Systems Installed!
Delivered & Operational in 1-2 Weeks!
Protect your job site with Videofied intrusion detection systems.
We specialize in battery-powered Videofied video security systems to protect construction jobsites, mining operations, infrastructure, remote & off-grid locations and challenging projects.
Serving World Class Companies Since 2009

Protect Your Jobsite with our 100% Battery Powered & Wireless Video Verified Intrusion Detection System
Prevent crime 24/7 with a video verified intrusion detection system
A verified video alarm is a PRIORITY ONE RESPONSE from the police, it is a verified “crime in progress”
Easy to move system to another job site, different project location
Over 1 million installations worldwide
Always on Watch, Never Distracted, Never Asleep
Meet Jim Flick our Videofied Specialist - Watch This Video
How a Videofied Systems Works
Aim camera at your valuable assets. Videofied cameras should be mounted 10-12’ high & within 50’ of viewing target.
When intruder walks between camera & your assets, a 10 second video verified clip is sent to our monitoring station.
Within 60 seconds we call police and fire off sirens & strobe lights. Video Verified Alarms get faster responses.
Videofied Turnkey Alarm System is Out-of-the-Box Ready
Includes Programming, Documentation, Training & Support

THE BEST Videofied Technical Support in the Business 16/7/365
Jim Flick and the team will help you with all aspects of designing, installing and supporting your videofied alarm system.
Our customers have 16/7/365 direct access to support. If you’d like to talk tech details, contact us for pre-sale tech support.
See Jim’s Tech Talk Series here
Live Monitoring Service
A video verified alarm is a PRIORITY ONE RESPONSE from the police
When your system is armed, intruders will be detected in real-time. A video clip event is immediately sent to central monitoring for video verification.
If a human or vehicle has been confirmed, our videofied monitoring will either dispatch the police or turn on the sirens or both, depending on your instructions.
Law Enforcement Endorsed
Our video verified alarm system is the only security system ever to be endorsed by a national law enforcement association.
Law enforcement departments LOVE our video verified alarm system because we ONLY send them human caused verified criminal activity.
National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) is an Endorsed Corporate Partner
Other Construction Site Security Cameras to Consider
Delivered & Operational in 1-2 Weeks!
Videofied System Rentals, leasing & purchase financing available
What Our Customers Say