Defaulting the Panel – Tech Talk #2
This Videofied Tech Talk was inspired by a customer this week who inadvertently factory defaulted his panel while replacing the batteries. To prevent this from happening to another customer let’s talk about how this happened. The photo below shows where the programming/reset switch is located on the XTOiP 630 outdoor panel. With the panel powered, pressing down on this switch for 5+ seconds will erase all the existing programming replacing it with the factory settings. It takes hours of programming to set up an 8 camera system with a prox tag reader, keypad and siren. This is not something I can talk you through over the phone and attempting to do so would take us twice as long as I could do it on the bench.
To resolve this factory default event the entire system with all peripheral devices must be packaged and sent back to me for bench programming and retesting. This switch could not be better designed for an accidental press with its diving board actuation so be careful not to lean on it while swapping out a set of batteries.